Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Media. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Tag Up to Ten People on Twitter Without Using Up Your 140 Characters!

Want to Make Your Posts Get Seen By The People You Want, But Not Take Up Your 140 Characters?

Twitter recently introduced a new feature excellent feature which allows users to tag up to ten users without having it take up any of your 140 characters. This is a fantastic new tool as it allows users to tweet out to giants, or specific people they want to see the tweet. 

Check out our latest video talking about the 5 elements of a good tweet, starting with how to tag or mention up to 10 people on a photo! 

How does this new tool work? Well to tag the ten twitter handles you want you just need to add a picture, after adding the picture you can then click who's in this photo, and start adding twitter handles! To make it easier on yourself, it helps if you follow the handles before you start tagging.

This is an effective new tool to reach the users you want to see the tweet! Every user that is tagged in the picture will receive a notification. Using a picture to tag other users is more effective than simply tweeting to them, as you can tag multiple users in the picture! Thus spreading your reach, and leaving you more space to tweet your message effectively! 

Happy Tweeting!

Monday, January 5, 2015

9 Steps to Your Social Strategy: Step 1 - Purpose

9 Steps to Your Social Strategy - Step 1: State your online purpose. 

Before your business should start posting you should define why you want to use social media, and why you want followers. Defining your online purpose will then become the perspective you will be doing all of your digital marketing work from. 

Here are some great examples of an online purpose: 
  • Increasing sales 
  • To be seen as the "go to" for specific topics
  • Complimenting traditional customer service
  • To increase traffic in retail locations 
  • To improve communication between clients, staff or suppliers
Now write down a few ideas for yours, make sure they are attainable! 

Now that we have a few ideas for your online marketing social strategy, we are now going to look at why customers would want to follow YOU. For example, if your online purpose was to become an industry expert, once you define the industry you want to be an expert in, you answer why people will want to follow you! 

Next, if we want to increase sales or increase traffic to your website or blog, there are effective ways of doing so. To do so, we want to entice your target market to follow you online, we can achieve that by posting relevant information to your industry, you wan this information to essentially be "infotainment". This can come in the form of pictures, videos or articles. Generally you want your posts to also have link going back to your website or blog, these links are called incoming links, as they are leading the customer to your website. A great rule of thumb is that if you were to post six times in a week, five of the posts should be "infotainment", and the sixth post can be more of a hard sell for your product or service. 
Now that we have laid out the foundation for social media posting we can move on to using social media as a medium for communicating with clients, staff or suppliers. Why would you want this as part of your online marketing purpose? Using social media to communicate effectively to clients, staff or suppliers is basically word of mouth on steroids! How so? Well, as your current followers engage with your posts, everyone who is connected to them witnesses their engagement.  If someone states that the article you just forwarded is AWESOME, their followers will see it, and you have a higher possibility of catching their attention. Also, aside from being one the fastest ways for you to communicate with your clients, staff or suppliers, it is also one of the most cost effective ways! 

Now that we have covered the basics of defining your online purpose, you should now be able to come up with one for your business or community! After that you will be ready for Step 2 - Determining what Keywords or hashtags you will be using! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

7 steps to social media event marketing

While on vacation I received a 2 page email asking me to help a non-profit raise $1,000s within a few days. One of their committee members who knew they were shy their target by $1,000s thought, "Social Media’s the way to go, I’ll just contact Sofie, get her help to make this happen in a few days". I could have taken her money, but, as they didn't have any followers, I suggested they move their arbitrary date out at least a month and follow the following 7 steps vs. being disappointed.   (I still hope to help them.) But this resonated with me more than the multiple other emails received while on vacation, because I really respect this specific person who contacted me, her business strategy and board governance abilities are unmatched, but, I realized that didn't mean a person with that much excellence at planning or running companies and organization for the past 30 years, happened to know how to leverage the power of Social Media as an effective marketing tool.

Aim to create your communication's schedule, have it compliment any emails or print activity you have planned.

First, as a rule of thumb, if you are planning an event, and your organizations has ZERO online followers, you need at the least 6 months to build your followers.  Just creating an online presents and posting does absolutely nothing for your event. It's like a sound in the forest when no one is there to hear it. You need to start by sharing your story, your organizations’ story, who are you helping, who is the staff... Share this about with about 3 posts, which include a vibrant video or photo, weekly, plus once a week, talk about the event you have coming up to support your organization’s goals. Paint a completing story of your organization’s mission, ask questions, and create a contest if you Can, create engagement with which will grow your followers.  Now, once you have some followers and your organization’s goals are a well-known you can create effective buzz toward your event.  I often say, if you have an annual well known event, you should start your online activity toward that event 3 months prior; again, posting 3 to 4 times away about how fun the event is, or the outcomes of the event, or the photos and videos of past events, and once a week a invite to the event itself.  Finally, if the event is a monthly recurring event, or just a month away now, you should put up the registration a month or so ahead, offer an early bird registration fee for the first week of registration, if you like, showing again, a couple times a week the compelling benefits or outcomes and stories around the event as well as inviting your target audience to the event as appropriate weekly
Before you can do the above, ie the buzz and registration or tickets sales toward the event, you need to set up your online elements for the event. In these 7 steps, I am assuming the event is aim at the general public in specific areas.  If your aim was business to business, I’d also include LinkedIn in your arsenal.
  1. Create an information webpage with all of the information for the event. The information page often mirrors printed flyers you would have once created for your event. (I call this the event’s landing page.) Branded clearly as your event and organization. Include photos, videos, registration information and location details.
  2. Create an event on your Organization’s Facebook Business Page, if you don’t have an Organizations’ Facebook Business Page, create the event on your own human Facebook Profile, in either case, linking the Facebook event to the information webpage created in step one.  Make sure the Facebook event contains link to the information webpage, the dates, registration details, cause and compelling event photo.
  3. On Facebook, post daily or three times a week, posting your organization’s stories in 80 characters or less attaching a compelling event or cause photo or video. Add a weekly contest if you can, this causes engagement from those interested in your cause. 
  4.  On Facebook Page, once a week, Share the event you created. 
  5. On Twitter, as your organization, Tweet your story, as well as Retweet or Mention relevant local Twitter Giants. (Relevant Giants are those who already have large numbers of Twitter followers who might want to support your organization, like local radio, news, tourism, and other organizations.) Those who care about your event and organization and might retweet your tweet to their followers.  Become a part of the fabric of your Twitter community.
  6.  About a month or so before the event, twice a week, post about the event itself on Twitter, again mentioning Giants, so they see it and hope they'll retweet it to their massive twitter followers. 
  7.  About a month before, invite all your relevant FB friends to the event you created, asking them to also invite their friends.

I use this process for many different clients' events. One in specific, the Bear's Lair Entrepreneur competition, we saved $10,000s in advertising costs, venue costs, and print costs.  We eliminated all print flyers, face to face auditions, and paid advertising.  The outcome was we saved $10,000s while doubling the participants, increasing the sponsorship and selling more tickets than ever before.  This is the outcome when following the above steps!  I hope this helps!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

7 Business Benefits of Owners or CEOs Sharing via Social Media

7 Benefits of Being a Social Leader

Brandfog’s, “2012 Social Media CEO & Leadership Survey”  had thirteen insightful conclusions, I have summarized the seven which focused on the impact of the Social Leader.   In summary, Social Leaders’ engagement outcomes include more sales, more trust, effective crisis management, a competitive advantage, and a more desirable place to work.  NOT BAD!
  1.       81% of respondents believe that CEOs who engage in social media are better equipped than their peers to lead companies in a web 2.0 world.
  2.       78% cited Better Communication and 71% stated Improved Brand Image as the biggest positive benefits.
  3.       82% of respondents were more likely or much more likely to trust a company whose CEO and leadership team engage with social media.
  4.       77% of respondents were more likely or much more likely to buy from a company whose values and mission are defined through CEO and executive leadership participation on social media.
  5.       93% of respondents believe that CEO engagement in social media helps communicate company values, shape a company’s reputation, and grow and evolve corporate leadership in times of crisis
  6.       94% said that CEOs and an organization’s executive leadership team enhance the brand image by participating on social media.
  7.       78% of respondents would prefer to work for a company whose leadership is active on social media.

“The survey results demonstrated that executive engagement in social media raises the brand profile and instills confidence in a company’s leadership team. It builds greater trust, brand loyalty and purchase intent. Respondents overwhelmingly confirmed their belief that C-Suite executives who engage in social media are better equipped to lead a company, communicate values and shape a company’s reputation in today’s changing world.  .. . 

The most effective leaders throughout history have been great communicators, yet the vast majority of modern day CEOs and C-Suite executives are conspicuously absent from social media channels.  As of January 2012, 61% of Fortune 500 brands were engaging with customers via Twitter, but less than 2.5% of Fortune 500 CEOs were actively participating on Twitter.” The BrandFog Survey 2012.
For the full survey results, see:

Brandfog’s concludes that the “next generation of business leaders will require new talents and a different set of skills to successfully grow their companies.  in order to effectively lead a company, management competencies will have to be reinvented around a new set of Principles, including transparency, integrity, collaboration, and consistent communication with stakeholders about company vision, mission, and values through social media channels.”

Monday, January 7, 2013

5 Pinterest Basics you MUST know!

1) Basically, is where people, mainly women go to search for visual ideas like design, architecture, kitchen, sinks, gardens, waterfalls, living rooms, deserts, fashion, vacation spots. Anyone can search with or without a Pinterest account at

2) People can create an account to "pin" items they like. They create categories of "pins" called "Boards". Popular examples of categories include, home decorating or travel or kitchens, or healthy food, or cookies, or evening gowns - whatever you have a passion for.  

3) As an online marketing consultant, I start all business sessions by asking what they want to be known for. (i) If any of their stated items are visual we consider Pinterest as an option for them, I do NOT believe that a business should be on all social media platforms.  So, to see if Pinterest would be effective, we start by searching with their categories or keywords to see if there is activity, ie search results they'd like to be apart of. (ii) Then we see if that business already has visuals on their own website or blogs they could use as materials to start their own Pinterest Boards. If they do, we create their own Pinterest Boards,  I like it when we can reflect their website's categories, like Elmhirst will with their new website and Pinterest Board being Farm to Table and so forth.  Next we create a plan for them going to forward to use appropriate jpegs in their blogs/websites so they can create a "pins" FROM their blog/website. It's critical for a business owner to learn to pin from their blog / website to Pinterest so that when someone clicks on their Pin it takes them back to their blog/website.  (Yes, they can upload a jpeg from their computer, but, it's much more effective to "pin" from their website so they generate referral traffic fromPinterest to their Website.  I have an old blog post, which lists the basic elements a business needs to have in their Pinterest account to be effective. 
It's very easy to use, see my blog on 5 reasons businesses use Pinterest, 5 Reasons Resorts/Hospitality Industry use Pinterest. 

4) After the Monday's Chex Newswatch: The 5 O'Clock Show I was asked why should a business use Pinterest and not just let people search on Google to find their website.  One answer is, that large numbers of people are already going to Pinterest to search for certain topics, so, IF your products or services are any one of those items, you are missing out by NOT being on Pinterest.  I do NOT agree that EVERYONE should be on every social media platform, it's a waste of time and resources, they should only be on those where their target market happened to already be searching for things which relate to them. 

5) Pinterest etiquette for businesses.. As Ann Douglas on that same Chex Newswatch: The 5 O'Clock Show rightly said, you should pin your own and "RePin" other's complementary images into your Boards.  See how Ann supports her community and is supported right back! That's the key to growing your followers on Pinterest, just like any other Social Media Platform.  (Of course, her quality is outstanding!)  As I said in our first, second and third Social Media spot on ChexTV, you should post/pin 5 times information which is informative and educational and 1 post/pin which is self serving. See, Ken reflects a solid example of supporting your community and they support you back, he is the artist I use as an example for online marketing excellence as an Artist.  Ken has ONE board of his own Paintings which were pinned from his Website, and then he has created other boards full of RePins of artists he believes in.  He stands for wonderful Art.  He supports his artist community and in return, they support him.  He knows if someone is looking for good art, they aren't going to buy his art each time, but, he'll like to be known for supporting excellent art.  It's like buying a car, you go to a car dealership, they're all located in the same area. So, on Pinterest, what visual do you want to be known for, Pin your own, and support complementary visual excellence.

6) On Chex Newswatch: The 5 O'Clock Show interview we didn't get into advance Pinterest uses, and touched lightly on Business Pinterest.  That would be a whole other spot, on how to use it as a productivity this tool within a company and between departments or partners ONLY to share visuals!  For example, Pinterest's new Private Boards enable you can use Pinterest as a place to share visual ideas within a closed group, like your clients or a volunteer group who are agreeing on which visual materials work best. Very powerful!  With Pinterest Business Accounts, you can also set it up so certain employees have access to JUST certain Boards, like at Elmhirst Resorts, their fabulous Chef will access Farm to Table, and their Outdoor Activities director will access, of course, the Activities board (stay tuned, as their new website and boards will be launching shortly!)!

Check out my Pinterest board at ENJOY!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

3 Non-Profits and How they Leverage Social Media

The greatest reporter,  from  was curious as to how nonprofits leverage Social Media.  So, I did a little digging and found that ONLY 10% of the approximately 85,000 registered Charities in Canada are using Social Media.  WOW! So, we decided to check out some local ones, we focused on one who JUST started with Social Media, one who's been on it for 6 months and one for almost a year.

First we interviewed Jon Law, from newly formed @ECThreePtbo Electric City Culture Council of Peterborough.

They are proud and passionate to be a resource for all Cultural organizations in the area.

It's interesting although @ECThreePtbo JUST started, they're already more than half way to the Canadian average of Charity Twitter followers of 300!  They believe in supporting their community and mentioning Giants who in turn share their story.

Next we visited Heather Grosney with the @CLPeterborough.  Heather, their Communication's Director has definitely got it going on with eBlasts using Constant Contact! Let me back up a moment, she started their Social Media journey mid summer 2012 and already has more than both the Canadian average in both Twitter and Facebook followers/likes.  She has positioned her organization as the go to place for people with intellectual disabilities.  Heather reviews the information and articles she believes her target market would find useful and shares it through Social Media.    She further bridges her traditional contact list of emails with social media! Over 25% of their eBlasts are opened AND because they use a tool like Constant Contact, they can see exactly who opened their eBlasts and which links they clicked on.  Compare this to how often direct mail is opened, it's  more then 5 times more effective.   Constant Contact has a further features which allows you to create Facebook Applications, send out Registration Forms, Donation buttons and more! Click here for your own 2 month free trial with Constant Contact

Finally we pulled Maryam Monsef out of the #CollectiveImpact workshop at the Library for an interview.  Maryam wears multiple Twitter hats or handles.  She says you should have one for your place of work  which mirrors your marketing plan and company goals, as she does through @cfgp_ and then have separate one if you have separate passions like she does with @Red_Pashmina, and herself through @MaryamMonsef where she supports local community happenings and people.

 The summary of today's Non-Profit use of Social Media is that Social Media is the place to share your story and support your community.  Paint a picture or your story through images and video, and use social media to distribute that story.  Support others, enlist GIANTs to REtweets your Tweets!

To see the FULL video, please go to

Thank you, I love working with @TeresaKaszuba and her @Chex5Oclock team!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

7 Critical Steps to Leveraging LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a very powerful tool; however, many are not using it fully (or even partially).   I was on a flight to New York some months ago, the passenger next to me shared with me that LinkedIn saved his company.  He said he started using LinkedIn’s InMails and Get Introduced features versus cold calling.    They called him back due to the combined quality of his LinkedIn profile, company page and posts.  He said LinkedIn turned his cold calls into a warm calls!
Before you get started, you should search through LinkedIn for others in your industry to see which sections they've filled in on their Profile, review which Groups’ they've joined, and even flip through their connections.   
To help your company network, sell or partner with other companies via LinkedIn, you need to complete these 7 steps.
1)   Complete all of the sections of your Profile.  Upload a professional photo (no one replies to anyone without a photo).   Get at least a few recommendations.  Connect with present & past clients, colleagues and classmates.  
2)   Create your Company’s Company Page including your Products’ & Services’ descriptions, photos and videos.   Ask some of your clients to recommend your Company Page.

3)   Join & engage in a handful of Groups were your target clients are already members.  Start posting advice.  Just like any social media platform, give 5 educational posts to every self-serving post.
4)   Optionally upgrade your account for $35/month to be able to manage your connections into folders with follow-up notes; this feature is called Profile Organizer.  Other upgrade features include being about to see more information about individuals and upgrading enables you to InMail those outside of your network. 
5)   Post or Share enticing short headlines with a link to the full online article.  Post at least weekly, but no more than twice a day.  Share these on your Wall as well as into the Groups you've joined.  
6)  Try using LinkedIn’s Introduction feature or InMail when connecting with someone for the first time - turn cold calls into a warm calls.
7)  Use LinkedIn’s Advance Search Feature when you’re prospecting, it’s POWERFUL!

Always be the Queen of knowledge for your industry, be helpful and respectful.    

 (My next LinkedIn Blog will be aimed at HR specifics.)

Monday, August 27, 2012

3 Elements to Becoming a Social Leader

Transition into a Social Leader

Leaders in Social Organizations view social platforms as critical communications and branding tools.  When used properly, they are effective, inexpensive, timely and sincere methods of communication; reaching staff, members, clients, partners, volunteers and key stakeholders.   In just the last few years consumers and staff expect to hear from leaders in a more transparent and less formal manner.  To expect Leaders who have successfully communicated in one fashion to flip to a new relatively unproven method immediately is not realistic.  However, the transition approach I recommend is realistic.  Start by extending your traditional communications online, next extend your public forums online, and finally start sharing and exchanging information in the areas in which you are an expert. All you do should naturally support your organization’s goals.

3 Elements of a Social Leader

Before a traditional Leader will start their transition into a Social Leader three questions are always asked, (i) what is the Leader’s Social Role (ii) how often should a Leader Post, (iii) and what should they Post?  To start the transition the answer to the Leader’s Role is that it mirrors their current public communication’s role. Second, they should Post as often as they are scheduled to communicate to their staff, members, clients, partners, volunteers or key stakeholders.  Most Leaders traditionally are scheduled make specific public announcements weekly, monthly or quarterly.   As well, periodically Leaders are scheduled for open dialogues with their Organization’s public, at these times, the Social Leader can add various online aspects to their public meetings.  Finally start to transition into a Social Leader start by using Social Platforms as an extension of the Leader’s existing Communication’s plan.  The Social Platforms will not likely replace their current communications’ vehicles unless all of their staff, members, clients, partners, volunteers or key stakeholders are active Social Media users. Social Media communications will provide insights and the ability measure the impact and reach of the Social Leader’s messages.

Many Leaders I have spoken with are under the impression that if they start engaging in with Social Media, they’ll have to spend many precious hours daily; that’s not the case.  When the Leader of a Community or a larger Organization speaks, writes, or posts, it should resonate.   Their Organization’s regular Social Channels should share their Leader’s Posts with their followers, as well as take up the duties of listening for and answering questions on behalf of their organization.  Not unlike when a Leader of a company is quoted in a Press Release or an article, the public is asked to speak with the official company spokesperson for further information.

8 Benefits of a Social Leader

Brandfog’s, “2012 Social Media CEO & Leadership Survey”  had thirteen insightful conclusions, I have summarized the eight which focused on the impact of the Social Leader  
In summary, Social Leaders’ engagement outcomes include more sales, more trust, effective crisis management, a competitive advantage, and a more desirable place to work.   

1)      81% of respondents believe that CEOs who engage in social media are better equipped than their peers to lead companies in a web 2.0 world.
2)      Respondents believe that CEOs can use social media channels to improve engagement with multiple stakeholders across their organizations.  Building better connections with customers topped the list at 89.3%, but engagement with employees (84.7%) and investors (66.3%) also came in very strong.
3)      78% cited Better Communication and 71% stated Improved Brand Image as the biggest positive benefits.
4)      82% of respondents were more likely or much more likely to trust a company whose CEO and leadership team engage with social media.
5)      77% of respondents were more likely or much more likely to buy from a company whose values and mission are defined through CEO and executive leadership participation on social media.
6)      93% of respondents believe that CEO engagement in social media helps communicate company values, shape a company’s reputation, and grow and evolve corporate leadership in times of crisis. 
7)      94% said that CEOs and an organization’s executive leadership team enhance the brand image by participating on social media.
8)      78% of respondents would prefer to work for a company whose leadership is active on social media.
Brandfog’s concludes that the “next generation of business leaders will require new talents and a different set of skills to successfully grow their companies.  …in order to effectively lead a company, management competencies will have to be reinvented around a new set of principles including transparency, integrity, collaboration, and consistent communication with stakeholders about company vision, mission, and values through social media channels.” The BrandFog Survey 2012.

Beyond Traditional Communications

Leaders who start utilizing Social Media as one of their Communications’ vehicles should start with baby steps so they can sustain and continuously improve their efforts.  They need to ensure that their social communication’s staff has the Social Media training, listening and measurement tools they need so they can respond timely.  Benefits of the Social Leader are far too many to be ignored.   Much depends on how social of a Leader you are naturally, you cannot fake a Social personality, it must come naturally and be sincere, or the impact will be negative. 
Leaders are traditionally outstanding communicators.  Leaders are also experts in their industry, business, public relations, decision making, deal making, leading, and motivators.  When a Leader is ready to expand their Social content they start to look at what they naturally read or attend as possible content.   Their Posts must also, of course, help support their Organization’s online purposes and goals. 

Some topics beyond a Leaders’ traditional communications plans, include sharing industry articles, articles the Leader has authored themselves, papers their staff have written, photos or videos of their personal community involvement,  welcoming new hires, acknowledging staff and client achievements, opening of new departments, launching new products or services, interaction with clients,  services or products impact, and so much more!  It’s endless, but, the trick is to keep it in line with your Organizations’ online purpose and to keep it real. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hamilton's #sewhungry drew 12,000 people to food trunks

Case study from my book, by Hamilton City's very own Michael Marini, thank you!
In May of 2012, the Ottawa Street Business Improvement Area, the Ottawa Street Farmers Market and the City of Hamilton's Economic Development Office and Tourism Office carried out a social media driven event- Sew Hungry.

This event became Canada's largest food truck rally and drew thousands of people all without spending a single dime on paid advertising.  It was a commercial success, a social media phenomenon and really highlighted the cohesiveness of Hamilton's online community.

But, how did this all start?  Good question.  In the Spring of 2011, the Ottawa Street Business Improvement Area (BIA) and the Ottawa Street Farmers Market approached the City of Hamilton's Economic Development Office and Tourism Office with an idea for a lunch time event that would draw new visitors and patrons to the Ottawa Street BIA (in Hamilton's East end).

After brainstorming ideas, the concept began to centre around the new and rapid rise of food trucks on Hamilton streets.  A lunchtime event that would bring out a business crowd to eat from a selection of food trucks up and down the BIA- Sew Hungry was born!  The name itself is a double entendre pointing to the historical nature of the BIA- Hamilton's traditional garment district and now its home décor district- and the focus on food for this event.

The first Sew Hungry took place in September 2011 and the decision was made extremely early in the process that this would be an entirely social media driven event.  No paid advertising was to occur- mainly for the fact that all the hard costs were spent on logistics (parking permits, signage, etc.).  The tactics included a Facebook fan page, a twitter hashtag (#sewhungry) and blog posts.  The team expected a few hundred people to attend and found that at the end of the event approximately 8,000 attended!  This was in large part to the constant social media efforts, favourable coverage by local media outlets and the fact that free shuttle busses were running from other areas of the city to bring in patrons.  The most impressive achievement was that #sewhungry trended to fourth in Canada on Twitter that day- a thrill for the team behind this first time, local event and garnered the team best social media campaign in Ontario by the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO).

For the second installment of Sew Hungry, May 2012, the team again promoted the event via social media.  Now that the event had proven itself, it was time to step up the attraction to the event mainly by working to attract the greatest number of food trucks ever collected at one time in Canada- making Sew Hungry Canada's largest.  A Facebook fan page (830 fans) was once again set up, the hashtag was in great use, and for this event Instagram was also employed as an event (over 230 photos shared using #sewhungry).  It was also mentioned in major blogs from the Food Network Canada and Ontario Tourism and mentioned on Twitter by those with major followers including the Food Network Canada, Eat Street (food truck show on Food Network), and the Canadian Tourism Commission.

Most importantly, the event was an economic driver.  It drew 12,000 people which resulted in most of the trucks being sold out of food and most of the participating restaurants from the Ottawa Street BIA sold out as well.  In addition, it wasn't just food related spending.  All Sorts Gallery, an artists' co-operative on the street sold $1,000 worth of art during the event and had orders for another $1,000.

In all, the power of social media drew people to this event and created a sense of community focused around commerce and supporting small business.  It is a good example of how planning, choosing the right tactics/platforms and leveraging not only community/media partnerships, but harnessing the power of online influencers can advance your economic agenda.

Michael Marini, Co-Ordinator Marketing
City of Hamilton
Economic Development and Real Estate Division